Indivisible Bemidji members gathered recently for a Summer Celebration & Fall Kick-off event. We shared[…]
What's Happening?
Sample ballots for the Minnesota primary elections are now available online. You can find the[…]Primary Election Early Voting Starts June 28th
Indivisible Bemidji members gathered on June 22nd to rally in support of every woman’s fundamental[…]Women Know Best!
Join us for an evening with Jen Schultz, 8th Congressional District candidate. Tuesday, May 7th[…]Meet & Greet Jen Schultz!
In case you missed it, here is a link to the presentation by Dr. Brett[…]Link for “Join the Energy Future: Save Money & the Environment”
By Patrick Welle, member of Indivisible Bemidji and Citizens Climate Lobby Citizens Addressing our Changing[…]Citizens Addressing our Changing Climate